Hello all, I will soon push a large incompatible change in the CP and Routing libraries. The change will replace parameters (CP solver parameters, routing model parameters, routing search parameters) from struct to protobuf. This will also hide the C++ command line flags (cp_trace_search, routing_first_solution, ...) and make them redundant for controlling the behavior of the libraries. They are currently kept in the C++ library, but will be dropped out eventually. With this move, all functionalities offered by the C++ command line flags will be available from all languages (provided you implement the command line parsing part). Let's see an example (tsp) Before (in C++): // Setting first solution heuristic (cheapest addition). FLAGS_routing_first_solution = "PathCheapestArc"; const Assignment* solution = routing.Solve() ; After (in C++, using the command line flags compatibility) : RoutingSearchParameters parameters = BuildSearchParametersFro
ReplyDeleteI wonder what is the correct way of using or-tools-5.1 for solving *.mzn problems.
I found a thread on the forum where it says:
> then in /lib/minizinc, create a link to /lib/flatzinc/minizinc name or-tools (or copy the minizinc directory in or-tools and rename it to or-tools).
> once this is done, you can run a minizinc example by running:
> minizinc -G or-tools -f /bin/fz example.mzn
However, the or-tools-5.1 folder does not have a lib/flatzinc/minizinc subdirectory.
I assume that for this version the command is the following:
minizinc -G or-tools/src/flatzinc/mznlib_cp -f or-tools/bin/fz
Is it the correct way?